Building intelligent city. A case study of the city of Montpellier

Aleksandra Nowakowska


The purpose of this paper is to present the strategy for building a smart city. It is a case study of successful solutions applied in the process of managing the development processes of the city and agglomeration of Montpellier, one of the European leaders in the implementation of this idea. It provides comprehensive and complementary tools and undertakings, implemented by the city authorities in order to stimulate smart growth. Actions taken in Montpellier confirm the meaning and effectiveness of the implementation of Project referring to the smart city concept. Their accomplishment has contributed to more dynamic economic development, improvement of the competitive position of the city, and increase of the quality of life, while reducing the costs of function the agglomeration as a whole. Montpellier is a good example of public-private partnership and provides a valuable practice for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of urban management– in accordance with the idea of a smart city.



smart city, city management, action strategy

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Cited by

Nowakowska, A. (2020). Building intelligent city. A case study of the city of Montpellier. Studia Miejskie, 19, 23–34. Retrieved from


Aleksandra Nowakowska 



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