Development of modern business services sector in post-industrial cities – location factors and the effects of investments in Katowice and the Upper Silesian Agglomeration

Mateusz Skowroński


The article focuses on the development of the modern business services sector in post-industrial cities. Firstly, a definition of the business services sector is introduced, including location factors influencing foreign investments as well as the effects of such investments on local and regional economy. Secondly, there is presented the development of the modern business services sector in Poland, the Upper Silesian Agglomeration and Katowice, and the process of structural changes which were implemented in Katowice in order to attract the projects from modern business services sector. Then, the case studies are discussed as followed: IBM delivery centre, Rockwell automation and capgemini centre. an analysis is presented, dealing with the question which of the location factors described in the analytical part mattered the most in these cases. In the end, the sector impact on the regional and local economy of Katowice and Upper Silesian Agglomeration is outlined.


modern business services sector, post-industrial city, urban growth, Katowice, Upper Silesian Agglomeration, foreign direct investment

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Cited by

Skowroński, M. (2020). Development of modern business services sector in post-industrial cities – location factors and the effects of investments in Katowice and the Upper Silesian Agglomeration. Studia Miejskie, 24, 129–143. Retrieved from


Mateusz Skowroński 



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