To stop or to permit? Unobvious effects of suburbanization. Studies of the rural communes in the vicinity of Olsztyn
Alina Źróbek-Różańska
Ada Wolny
Suburbanization means a controversial process and many authors often underline its negative consequences. This paper is aimed at presenting its unobvious effects on the basis of local studies. The relevant analyses were conducted with the descriptive method, complemented with calculations and nuclear estimation. It was observed that suburban residential development can be concentrated along existing infrastructural facilities and the new investments are a long-term process, thus new settlements do not mean additional expenditures in a short term. However, a positive consequence of suburbanization is, among others, increasing financial incomes in the commune’s budget or shifting the traffic to roads with better capacity. There are also benefits for the inhabitants, such as improvement of the living space.
suburbanization, urban sprawl, rural communesReferences
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