The internal suburbanisation of Zabrze
Wojciech Koman
The process of internal suburbanisation consists in the movement of population in search of more convenient housing conditions. These migrations have an internal character and occur within the administrative boundaries of a given city. The target destination are the areas free from any investments. The purpose of this article is to identify the process of internal suburbanisation in Zabrze. The diagnosis of the process was made on the basis of the newly-erected housing development in Zabrze. The evident consequence of the suburbanization process in Zabrze is the foundation of new single family housing districts. In the case of the analyzed city, their concentration is visible in three areas, located in the direct vicinity of the traffic communication roads, enabling quick travel to the city centre as well as to the other cities of the Katowice conurbation. During the reviewed period the number of applications submitted to obtain construction permits to erect detached houses was increasing by 10% annually. This means that the space of Zabrze is being shaped by the process of internal suburbanization. Moreover, an intensification of this process is visible, as evidenced by the year 2014 which proved record-breaking as regards the number of newly-erected houses.
internal suburbanization, single family housing, Zabrze, Silesian regionReferences
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Wojciech KomanStatistics
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