Demolition as a radical tool in the process of urban regeneration


Revitalization as a sequence of planned actions is a recovery process of degraded urban areas, which takes place simultaneously in a spatial, economic, social and cultural dimension. The aim of the process is to restore the degraded areas of their social value, ie to improve the quality of spatial organization, to ensure a proper structure of functions, to improve living conditions, and to stabilize positive relationships among different user groups. At present, in Europe, the planned demolition is the removal of degraded material substance and existing dysfunctional social structures. Based on the case study of Lyon La Duchère, (France) the paper analyses whether demolition can be treated as a legitimate tool for urban regeneration, especially with regard to the social dimension of the process.


urban regeneration, demolition Lyon La Duchère, sustainable urban development

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Cited by

Kaczmarek, S. (2020). Demolition as a radical tool in the process of urban regeneration. Studia Miejskie, 28, 9–20.


Sylwia Kaczmarek



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