Social innovations in European cities. Case studies of good practices

Joanna Morawska-Jancelewicz


This paper looks at social innovations from the cities’ perspective. Social innovation is intended here to mean innovative solutions, new forms of organisation and new interactions to tackle social issues. In particular, it focuses on innovative solutions in terms of the governance of cities: new forms of collaboration between the city administration, citizens and local stakeholders, which can generate more sustainable, resilient and open systems at the city level. City administrations are facing a whole range of challenges on the social, environmental and economic fronts. Still, Göteborg, Milan and Edinburgh offer unique examples of a breakthrough governance that is responding to the challenges of the 21st century.


social innovations, quadruple helix model, society, city governance

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Cited by

Morawska-Jancelewicz, J. (2020). Social innovations in European cities. Case studies of good practices. Studia Miejskie, 23, 65–79. Retrieved from


Joanna Morawska-Jancelewicz 



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