The profile of a foreigner and his role in the community of Poznań
Hanna Gajda
There has been an upward trend towards an increase of migration to Poland recently which contributes to an increasing impact on the rapidly changing socio-economic situation. It is self-evident that vast majority of migration is into cities, also in Poland. Due to this phenomena, it seems reasonable to identify the profile of a foreigner and his role in a community of a big city, for example in Poznan. The aim of this article, will be implemented through the analysis of the three dimensions of the presence of foreigners in Poznan: 1. identification of the country of origin of foreigners, 2. identification of the motives of coming 3. identification of ways of life in the city. This article aims to present the results of study on opinion of foreigners about life in Poznan. In the consciousness of foreigners has functioned image of Poland as a poor country, not attractive enough to live. Statistics and studies seem to indicate a change in the perception of Poznan.
migration, assimilation, integration, foreigner, PoznanReferences
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