Leitbilder und Strategien für Wissensstädte –das Beispiel Metropolregion Wien

Thomas Weith

Jan Strehmann

Nadin Gaasch

Jana Zscheischler


For many European metropolitan regions and urban areas the knowledge society is not only a vision but a strategic goal. In London, Berlin or Vienna urban development agencies and city marketing highlight the potential of existing knowledge-based organisations, structures and services and emphasize the necessity to develop a knowledge city or a knowledge region. Knowledge is seen as a key resource for development and change as well as for branding. To take advantage of all potentials and options various strategies and concepts are in discussion. Using the metropolitan region of Vienna as an example, explicit forms of implementation will be shown. Both opportunities and limits of spatial planning and regional policy to influence change processes will be addressed.


knowledge, knowledge city, urban planning and knowledge, Vienna

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Cited by

Weith, T., Strehmann, J., Gaasch, N., & Zscheischler, J. (2020). Leitbilder und Strategien für Wissensstädte –das Beispiel Metropolregion Wien. Studia Miejskie, 7, 29–36. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm/article/view/2644


Thomas Weith 


Jan Strehmann 


Nadin Gaasch 


Jana Zscheischler 



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