Dynamical classification of metropolises in the world connectivity network in the sphere of business services

Marek Obrębalski


Formation of metropolises in different points of world network of great cities is the result of metropolization process. The measure defining metropolis and its rank is the spatial range of influence of individual functions. Business services form an extremely important group of contemporary metropolitan functions. However, the degree of inclusion of individual metropolises in the world connectivity network is differential. In this regard, metropolises were linearly aligned and surrendered to dynamical hierarchical classification in the period 2000–2008. Metropolises were divided into four main groups. London and New York during this period form a kind of duopoly. The rank of metropolises of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Warsaw, significantly increases.


metropolis, metropolitan functions, the world connectivity network, hierarchical classification

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Cited by

Obrębalski, M. (2020). Dynamical classification of metropolises in the world connectivity network in the sphere of business services. Studia Miejskie, 7, 49–57. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm/article/view/2646


Marek Obrębalski 



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