Twenty-first century city promotion through architectural icons – an example of leaning house in Sopot

Rafał Rouba


Twenty-first century is a period of dynamically growing competition among cities as tourist and investment destinations. With the increase of prizes in the global competition for world glamorous place also increases range of tools to charm a potential customer / tourist/potential inhabitant. As part of the struggle from two – three decades in urban centers began to grow architectural objects whose main task was to surprise the viewer and promote its urban location. The icon of all icons is created in the mid 90s The Guggenheim Foundation museum building in Bilbao. Questions that arise are: whether the twenty-first century city promotion should be based on the creation of extravagant architectural solutions in the form of individual objects – icons? Does the city architectural icon is the perfect panacea for all promotional and other shortcomings and is able to transform any urban center in the world tourist object of desire? Attempt to reflect on these issues is the perception of the promotional role of Leaning House in Sopot –founded in 2004, as one of the most important architectural icons at that time in Poland.


city, promotion, iconic buildings, Sopot, Krzywy Domek, tourism

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Cited by

Rouba, R. (2020). Twenty-first century city promotion through architectural icons – an example of leaning house in Sopot. Studia Miejskie, 7, 91–105. Retrieved from


Rafał Rouba 



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