Residential suburbanization in Poland – estimate of process

Andrzej Zborowski

Piotr Raźniak


This article focuses on residential suburbanization in Poland. The development of these processes was examined with a special regard to the present period i.e. the beginning of 21st century. International migrations were investigated as a factor contributing to the intensity of suburbanization in Poland. The authors attempted to exemplify changes of migrant age structure within metropolitan areas. These areas arecurrently being shaped by intense urbanization. In 2005–2010 Polish suburbanization slowed down as EU external migrations, economic and fi nancial crisis altered outfl ow directions and greatly reduced possibilities to move and settle in the suburbs.


residential suburbanization, Poland, urban-rural migrations

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Cited by

Zborowski, A., & Raźniak, P. (2020). Residential suburbanization in Poland – estimate of process. Studia Miejskie, 9, 37–50. Retrieved from


Andrzej Zborowski 


Piotr Raźniak 



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