Inhabitanta and immigrants from large cities
Halina Pawlak
Th51-60e article shows problems of Kraków suburban areas, which are the result of a dynamic suburbanisation processes. Focus is made on specifi c elements of quality of life associated with relations between native suburban residents and newcomers from urban areas. e research has been done amongst farmers living in Gdów community in Kraków Metropolitan Area. Respondents are concerned about their new neighbors from large cities and tensions that arise from the lack of understanding for their agricultural activities. Native suburban residents are afraid of the negative infl uence of urban lifestyle on their children, but at the same time they understand that they themselves are responsible for sustaining traditions and culture of their region. However, they are also aware that the development of Kraków Metropolitan Area creates new jobs and better educational opportunities.
level of living, rural areas, commuting areaReferences
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Zborowski A., Chaberko T., Grad N., Kretowicz P., 2010, Delimitacja Krakowskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego, [w:] Badanie funkcji, potencjału oraz trendów rozwojowych miast w województwie małopolskim, Małopolskie Obserwatorium Polityki Rozwoju, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego, Kraków, s. 517–543.
ARiMR (Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa), dane dostępne na stronie internetowej: (1.09 2011).
GUS (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) dane dostępne na stronie internetowej: (15.11 2012).
Halina PawlakStatistics
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