The The impact of urban sports on public urban space
Bogusław Hajda
The aim of the article is to present conclusions of an empirical study on selected Polish examples, that highlights a particular gap between planning idea – the designed intention, and the reality of the observed urban space’ usage. The study focuses on the creative reinterpretation of existing urban spaces and the unobvious urban space’ usage (i.e. alternative to the predetermined), occurring spontaneously or intentionally. The article refers to a study, that is a part of research of an applicative nature. The aim of the research is to critically assess the assumption of urban sports positive impact on urban public spaces, mainly through analysing a set of chosen factors, e.g. the space’ attractiveness enhancement, support to the processes of integration and self-security estimation’ leverage of users, that belong to different social groups.
urban sports, public urban space, urban renewalReferences
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