Social participation in the city management: between social exclusion and involvement

Jacek Kotus


Contemporary urban planning in so-called „Western” countries is carried out according to the participatory paradigm. In this case the residents of the area are active, conscious and educated subjects in the process of planning and space management. It can be argued that planning in Poland and space  management on the local level – cities and municipalities – are still carried out with social exclusion. In practice, they are often implemented on the principle of „fighting fires that have already occurred”. Also, the structure of the city offces and planning companies must be considered, as it is mostly out-dated in comparison with modern planning and urban standards. In general, such structure excludes all residents in the process of the area planning. This paper adapts as its starting point the concept of Arnstein’s „participatory ladder” and discusses the place of Poznań on that ladder, leading to analysis from the perspective of the actions undertaken by the city authorities.


social participation, city management, city

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Cited by

Kotus, J. (2020). Social participation in the city management: between social exclusion and involvement. Studia Miejskie, 13, 37–45. Retrieved from


Jacek Kotus 



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