Conditions behind location of filling stations in urban and rural areas based on the example of podlaskie voivodeship
The aim of this work is to present the current spatial structure and recognize the conditions of location of filling stations in urban and rural areas in Podlaskie Voivodeship. The case study of this province proved that deployment of filling stations depends primarily on various demographic and geographical factors. These include: number of inhabitants in the given locality, type of locality (city or village), location relative to large cities, type of road (of the national, voivodeship, county or commune rank), location relative to the state border, presence of forested area and presence of protected area. There are 250 public filling stations located in Podlasie Voivodeship, with the majority of them in the central and western part of the province. Their number depends to a large extent on the number of inhabitants, especially in the case of cities.
landscape planning, filling station, Podlaskie VoivodeshipReferences
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