The situation of small towns in economy of Lower Silesia

Stanisław Korenik

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu


Small towns have played a significant role in the development of Lower Silesian region so far. However, the turn of the centuries and 17 years of the new century brought a worsening of the situation of most of the small towns in relation to the region's average. The demographic and economic potential of these elements of the settlement structure of the region is used at an unsatisfactory level. The period of transformation, initiated in 1989, further aggravated the difficulties encountered in these towns and the absorption of EU funds did not significantly change their economic situation. Nevertheless, it turns out that small towns which have a clearly defined economic function are the place where large-scale regional policy projects are implemented or are located within the range of influence of large cities operate in economic terms much better than others


Cited by

Korenik, S. (2020). The situation of small towns in economy of Lower Silesia. Studia Miejskie, 33, 55–63.


Stanisław Korenik 



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