Rajmund Porada
Fifty years from the beginning of the Second Vatican Council again attracts our attention to ecumenical message and the real interpretation of this realm. Question of matter, meaning and influence of the Vatican II on the Catholic`s life in their relations with others, became more actual than ever especially thanks to some actions of creating ìanti-council Churchî. To make the characteristic of the church reform that was discussed on the Vatican II and the importance of the Council understanding of ecumenism, the idea of ìself relativisationî seams to be helpful and accurate. What happened on the Council was the process of ìself relativisationî, that means to make an intellectual distance of one self and reject the need to be seen in the Church, and make the passage on the path of ecumenism. The ecumenical vision of the Council can be seen when making decisions and actions ìbeforeî and ìwhileî the Council, in formulated texts, in which elements of the theological ìself relativisationî of the Catholic Church can be observed in order with the earlier unconditional identification with the Church of Jesus Christ. Elements of ìself relativisationî that were mentioned earlier, which became the topic of explanation in this article, made the ecumenical conception understood as ìcoming back to Romeî groundless.
Rajmund PoradaStatystyki
Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Studia Oecumenica
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Inne teksty tego samego autora
- Rajmund Porada, Ekumeniczne nowości wydawnicze , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 14 (2014)
- Rajmund Porada, Recenzje i omówienia , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 12 (2012)
- Rajmund Porada, Informacje o autorach , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 21 (2021)
- Rajmund Porada, [Rec.] Jacek Froniewski, Teologia sakramentu namaszczenia chorych. Historia – Systematyka – Ekumenia (seria: Rozprawy naukowe 107), Wrocław: Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu 2022, 513 s., ISBN 978-83-66545-51-9 , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 23 (2023)
- Rajmund Porada, Ekumenia na rozdrożu – ku jedności czy wspólnocie? , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 23 (2023)
- Rajmund Porada, [Rec.] Tomasz Dariusz Mames, Eucharystia Kościoła Starokatolickiego Mariawitów, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie 2022, 516 s. ISBN 978-83-60273-66-1 , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 22 (2022)
- Rajmund Porada, [Rec.] Sławomir Zatwardnicki, Od teologii objawienia do teologii natchnienia. Studium inspirowane twórczością Geralda O’Collinsa i Josepha Ratzingera, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Academicon 2022, 812 s., ISBN 978-83-62475-91-9; ISBN [ebook] 978-83-62475-92-6 , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 22 (2022)