Apocalyptic Dragon

Symbolism and its meaning (Rev 12:2-7)

Bartosz Trębacz

Uniwersytet Papieski im. Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


In the Book of Revelation there are many symbols with broad meaning. The dragon is one of them. He is also one of the forms taken by Satan. This being represents a plenitude of malevolent forces opposing humans and God. The number of the dragon’s heads as well as horns and diadems is not accidental. They have their hidden meaning, not only emphasizing the might and aggression of the monster. They find their hidden meaning in the Old Testament as well. Although attributes indicate enormous strength, but at the same time they show weakness and finiteness in the creature in reference to God. The author of the Book of Revelation presenting the image of the dragon is inspired by the character of Leviathan, biblical beasts and monsters from other religious circles. At the same time, he create his own image of a monster.


dragon, Revelation, heads, horns, diadems


Cited by

Trębacz, B. (2019). Apocalyptic Dragon: Symbolism and its meaning (Rev 12:2-7). Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 39(1), 49–61. https://doi.org/10.25167/sth.414


Bartosz Trębacz 



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