Leading into the open future! The Pope Francis Method

Erny Gillen



Ethical leadership towards an open future is based both on trust and on methods. In this regard Pope Francis uses his own method which he describes explicitly in Evangelii gaudium. In this contribution Erny Gillen shows how Pope Francis brings leadership and ethics together. His method is systematically at work in the papal documents Laudato si’ and Amoris laetitia and their respective contexts. It mobilises people with their moral convictions to act accordingly. Thus the Pope Francis Method lays out a smart path from moral belief to moral action.


Pope Francis, ethics, leadership, Evangelii gaudium, Laudato si', Amoris laetitia

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Cited by

Gillen, E. (2019). Leading into the open future! The Pope Francis Method. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 36(2), 11–30. https://doi.org/10.25167/sth.741


Erny Gillen 



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