Importance of the Sacrament of Baptism for the Contemporary World
The Orthodox Perspective
Adrian George Boldisor
Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Craiova
Baptism has been a focus of significant discussion in the ecumenical movement, as the different churches seek a common understanding of Baptism, with the goal of mutual recognition. The Orthodox Church has been involved in these conversations from the beginning. The present article is an attempt to trace the participation of the Orthodox representatives in these dialogues on Baptism, both at the level of the World Council of Churches and in bilateral dialogues. It explains the Orthodox understanding of Baptism as a Sacrament, how this understanding is reflected (or not) in ecumenical agreements on Baptism. It will also review official Orthodox responses to some of these agreements. The author attempts to demonstrate that the Orthodox Church’s contributions to these sometimes-difficult dialogues have shown a commitment to seeking a common understanding of Baptism. Finally, this paper will examine the present state of ecumenical dialogue on Baptism, and evaluate its prospects for the future.
Parole chiave:
Baptism, Orthodoxy, BEM, mission, dialogueStatistics
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