Transgender issue in contemporary Iran: A theological reflection

Jaroslav Franc

The Palacký University Olomouc, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology


The Islamic Republic of Iran is recognised as a theocratic political system with a touch of democratic elements. Since the last decade of the 20th century it is the only Islamic
republic with sophisticated system for sex-change operations and procedures related to this issues. This unique situation was developed on the ruling of Ayatollah Khomeini concerning the Fereydoon Molkara’s case. He was born as a man and later identified himself as a woman. Current legal regulation in Iran not just allows sex-change procedure, it is
recommended and even expected by the religious authorities that anyone who identifies himself with the other sex than he was born with would undertake the sex-change procedure.
The paper deals with the historical and theological context of the issue.


transgender, transsexuality, Iran, Shia, Islam, Christian theology

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Cited by

Franc, J. (2017). Transgender issue in contemporary Iran: A theological reflection. Family Forum, 7, 203–224.


Jaroslav Franc 

