Supporting the process of organizing a child’s learning during the period of remote education in the experience of foster parents

Patrycja Kaszubska-Dziergas

Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych

Edward Nycz

Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych


Background: Foster parenting is a particular form of parenthood which requires engagement, devotion, patience and relevant skills. Distance learning in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic posed a challenge to both children-students and their guardians, regarding the new situation. The article is a recording of the subjective awareness of the time of plague years 2020–2022.
Study aims: Finding out about foster parents’ experience in the situation of responsibilities set to them by the education system, meant to facilitate the functioning of children during online learning.
Research method: The article presents results of pilot research conducted with the use of interview, partly structured, carried out among a group of foster parents in March 2022.
Results: The analysis of the collected empirical material proved that as regards their experience and the roles set to them by the education system, foster parents mainly pointed to the shortcomings of cooperation with teachers and the general school in supporting the child’s learning process during the remote education period
Conclusions: The awareness of changes, which has arisen in the examined foster parents, as determined by external factors of the arisen situation, indicated the personal need for adjustment to the current educational situation with the aim to aid the young remaining in their care.


foster parents, child’s learning process, remote education, pandemic

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Cited by

Kaszubska-Dziergas, P., & Nycz, E. (2023). Supporting the process of organizing a child’s learning during the period of remote education in the experience of foster parents. Family Forum, 12, 209–222.


Patrycja Kaszubska-Dziergas 

Patrycja Kaszubska-Dziergas

Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych


Edward Nycz

Edward Nycz

Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych



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