The problem of the relationship of can. 1095, n. 2 CIC and can. 1095, n. 3 CIC in the light of the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Serrano Ruiz of January 23, 2004

ks. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Góralski

Akademia Mazowiecka w Płocku, Wydział Nauk Społecznych


Since the beginning of the promulgation of the CIC in 1983, there has been a debate about the conceptual differences between evaluative discernment as to the essential marital rights and obligations (can. 1995, n. 2 CIC) and the ability to assume these obligations for psychological reasons (can. 1095 , n. 3 CIC). The aim of the undertaken study is to show the relationship between these two titles of nullity of marriage; the point is to show that the incapacity to undertake these duties is an autonomous title. This will be shown by analyzing the judgment of the Roman Rota of 23.1.2004, c. Serrano Ruiz, in which the marriage was annulled due to this incapacity, despite the fact that in the previous instance there were two negative judgments due to a serious lack of evaluative discernment. This means that the person, although capable of evaluative discernment, was not capable of assuming (and fulfilling) the essential marital obligations. A postulate arises to pay careful attention to the autonomy of can. 1095, n. 3 CIC, in which a large role is played by court experts.


marriage, sentence c. Serrano Ruiz of January 23, 2004, can. 1095, nn. 1–3 CIC, nullity of marriage, gravis defectus discretionis iudicii, incapacitas assumendi

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Cited by

Góralski, W. (2024). The problem of the relationship of can. 1095, n. 2 CIC and can. 1095, n. 3 CIC in the light of the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Serrano Ruiz of January 23, 2004. Family Forum, 14, 213–240.


ks. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Góralski 

ks. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Góralski, emerytowany profesor WSD w Płocku (19702012) KUL (19771996), ATK/UKSW (19952022), aktualnie profesor na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych Akademii Mazowieckiej w Płocku, wiceprzewodniczący Stowarzyszenia Kanonistów Polskich, założyciel półrocznika „Ius Matrimoniae”, sędzia w Sądzie Biskupim w Płocku, członek 12. Rad i Komitetów Naukowych 12. czasopism naukowych, jeden z negocjatorów konkordatu RP ze Stolicą Apostolską, jest autorem ponad 1 370 prac naukowych, w tym kilkudziesięciu książkowych,

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  • Studia nad małżeństwem i rodziną (Warszawa 2007).



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