Buffers Mitigating Death Anxiety Among Educationally Active Older Adults
dr Marcin Muszyński
Uniwersytet Łódzkidr hab. Artur Fabiś
WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Polanddr hab. Arkadiusz Tomasz Wąsiński
Department of Andragogy and Social Gerontology, University of Lodz, Lodz, PolandAbstract
The article presents research results on the buffers mitigating death anxiety that educationally active older adults use. The study included 162 older adults attending classes at Universities of the Third Age (U3A). The authors used the Strategies for Confronting the Inevitability of Death Questionnaire. The study aimed to analyze the differences in older adults’ use of buffers to reduce the level of existential anxiety. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences in the use of buffers between older adults with different sociodemographic characteristics; they also revealed differences in the buffers chosen depending on the level of anxiety. Gender differences were examined in the analyses too. The results of the study indicate that gender does not differentiate the choice of strategies for coping with death anxiety.
existential anxiety, existential terror, buffers, death anxiety level, attitude towards death, older adults’ educational activity, University of the Third AgeReferences
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dr Marcin MuszyńskiMarcin Muszyński, University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 46/48 Pomorska Street, 91-408 Lodz, Poland, Phone number: +48792143327; Email: marcin.muszynski@now.uni.lodz.pl ORCID: 0000-0001-7393-8866
dr hab. Artur FabiśArtur Fabiś, WBS University, 1C Cieplaka Street, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland, Phone number: +48501639451; Email: arturfabis@wp.pl ORCID: 0000-0002-5624-6232
dr hab. Arkadiusz Tomasz WąsińskiArkadiusz Wąsiński, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 46/48 Pomorska Street, 91-408 Lodz, Poland, Phone number: +48509192764; Email: arkadiusz.wasinski@now.uni.lodz.pl ORCID: 0000-0003-1867-8541
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