Threats to marital and family spirituality arising from digital world influence
Bartłomiej Kempe
Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział TeologicznyWiktoria Kempe
Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział TeologicznyAbstract
The contemporary challenges associated with the family crisis and the increasing number of divorces constitute a significant area of analysis, particularly in the context of marital spirituality, as described by Pope Francis in the exhortation Amoris Laetitia (2016). The aim of this study is to identify the causes of this phenomenon, focusing on threats such as disinformation, fake news, and the misuse of social media, supported by current scientific research. The methodology includes an analysis of the impact of the Internet world on anthropological balance, with particular emphasis on the new educational environment and its influence on the concepts of humanity, dignity, and morality.
The study results reveal the collapse of authorities, variable understanding of the world, and fundamental values as significant threats to family communication, a key tool for mutual understanding. Pope Francis emphasizes that the family should be an environment of truth, devoid of deceit and pretense, which enables its enduring sustenance by God. The analysis of the digital world's impact on the spiritual aspects of the family demonstrates that the absence of truth distances family members from one another, negatively affecting the pursuit of unity with God. The conclusion of the study highlights the necessity of restoring truth in family relationships and referring to Jesus as the antidote to the spiritual crisis, which will help avoid further destructive effects.
Amoris Laetitia, family, threats, marital spirituality, disinformation, fake news, communicationReferences
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Bartłomiej KempeAuthors
Wiktoria KempeStatistics
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