Psychological sex and marital relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction
Dariusz Krok
Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet OpolskiIlona Lewoska
Centrum Logopedyczne i Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczne, OpoleAbstract
The aim of this article is an empirical verification of the relations between partner’s personality traits according to Gender Scheme Theory by Sandra Bem and the quality of the marital relationship and life in the scope of cognitive and emotional dimensions of subjective well-being. 105 couples being in a marital relationship, for at least 1 year, were examined. The age of the examined couples ranged from 21 to 78 years, while the number of years being in a marital relationship oscillated from 1 to 54 years. Four indispensable tools were applied: IPP – the inventory to examine psychological sex; KDM-2 – the scale to measure satisfaction in marital relationships; SWLS – the measure of the cognitive dimension of subjective well-being; PANAS-X – the measure of the emotional dimension of subjective well-being. Most of the formulated hypotheses were confirmed. The results of the conducted research indicated that people who possess certain psychological characteristics connected with gender show better adjustment. What is more, these people possess greater satisfaction from marital relationships and a higher ratio of subjective well-being in the dimensions of life satisfaction and positive emotions. Moreover, the most sought type of psychological sex is androgenic sex.
psychological sex, marital satisfaction, life satisfaction, subjective well-beingReferences
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Dariusz KrokAuthors
Ilona LewoskaStatistics
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