Gender as challenge for anthropology, politics and family according to some selected Polish moral theologians

Janusz Podzielny

Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Opolski


The aim of this paper is to present the thoughts of three well-known Polish moral theologians on the question of gender. In our times the phenomenon of gender arouses a great interest and at the same time is associated with many controversies. The stand of moral theologians in Poland on this issue is quite clear. According to them the ideology of gender is associated with many inherent risks concerning the cultural, social, political, marital and family life. Undoubtedly the efforts to underline the equality between men and women are very important, but the equality doesn’t concern their total identity. In the opinion of Polish moral theologians in this context it is necessary to overcome the old stereotypes and to present positively the complementarity of male and female genders, what – indeed – is a biological, psychological and theological fact.


gender, challenge, moral theologians, Poland

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Cited by

Podzielny, J. (2019). Gender as challenge for anthropology, politics and family according to some selected Polish moral theologians. Family Forum, 6, 189–201. Retrieved from


Janusz Podzielny 



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