Polish adaptation of F.G. Paleari, F.D. Fincham and C. Regalia’s Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS)

Paweł Brudek

Instytut Psychologii KUL JPII

Stanisława Steuden

Instytut Psychologii KUL JPII


The following article outlines the results of academic endeavours to develop a Polish adaptation of F.G. Paleari, F.D. Fincham and C. Regalia’s Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS). The results obtained through the Polish version are comparable to those obtained with the help of the original research tool, which proves that the Polish MOFS scale adaptation can be successfully used for research purposes. The scale consists of 10 items covering two dimensions: Benevolence and Resentment-Avoidance. The scale testing the procedure involved a research sample consisting of 745 people. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient oscillated between 0.72 and 0.87.


marriage, forgiveness, Polish adaptation, The Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale

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Cited by

Brudek, P., & Steuden, S. (2019). Polish adaptation of F.G. Paleari, F.D. Fincham and C. Regalia’s Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS). Family Forum, 5, 161–179. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/ff/article/view/701


Paweł Brudek 


Stanisława Steuden 

