Effect of laryngectomy on the intimate relations of the spouses – pilot study
Aleksandra Pławiak
Stowarzyszenie Ambasada Sukcesu, WCM w OpoluAbstract
Neoplasms of the head and neck are at the present time one of the groups where the incidence is increasing alarmingly. Data from 2012 show that in Poland, 2,657 persons suffered from laryngeal cancer, 2,341 of whom were men. Head and neck tumors are most common in people over 45 years of age. They are also nearly 5x more common in men than in women. Most are squamous cell tumors with high malignancy. One of the main causes of squamous cell cancers of the head and neck are carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. Other factors include the abuse of liquor, poor oral hygiene, as well as mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes. Some cancers of the head and neck may also have a viral substrate. Larynx cancer clinical course varies depending on the location. The most common therapeutic procedure, however, is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the larynx. This treatment is not only interference in the life of the patient but it also interferes with the current functioning of the family as the basic cell of society. Changes occur in thinking, feelings and action of the patient and family members. Negative effects include mental and physical realm. Taking into account the changes in the appearance of the patient and his mode of communication disorders also occur in the sphere of intimacy.
There was a survey conducted, the results of which indicated that patients who are members of the Association of Success Embassy in Opole, showed no changes in the relationship between the partners. That changed, however, the approach to intimate relationships. Therefore, it is worth carrying out the survey on a larger number of patients to be able to determine whether the removal of the larynx actually has no effect on displays of affection in a relationship and whether this has an impact on the intimate relationship of partners. However, given the small number of research and advanced applications , are the initial applications . Research all the time are in the process . They feature some of the patients Success Embassy Association in Opole.
cancer, marital relationships, intimate relations of the spousesReferences
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