Eklezjalny wymiar liturgii według Josefa Andreasa Jungmanna
Marcin Worbs
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu OpolskieAbstract
The article presents J.A. Jungmann’s reflections on the ecclesial dimension of the liturgy. After presentation of how this author recognises the liturgy subject in the priestly Church community, his comments on the liturgy as an expression of the Church’s faith were discussed. Referring to history, Jungmann emphasises that from the very beginning, liturgical forms have usually had the community nature, and that the entire Church is activated in the liturgy celebration. The analysis of this author’s liturgical and ecclesial thought allows to put him among those who made a significant contribution to shaping the awareness that the liturgy is a celebration of the integrally understood Church community, as well as a specific expression and a standard of his faith, according to the bi-directionally understood old principle lex orandi – lex credendi.
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Marcin WorbsStatistics
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