Organizing and providing public services as a function of public administration

Alina Miruć

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. prof. Edwarda F. Szczepanika w Suwałkach. Wydział Ochrony Zdrowia


The purpose of the article was to present the role and specifics of a significant function of administration, consisting in the organization and provision of public services. Therefore, an analysis was made regarding, among other things, the legitimacy of the administration to perform public tasks, using the example of the administering administration, contemporary understanding of the function of public administration and the shape of contemporary Polish public administration. The role of administration evolved from the direct provision of public (social) services through its own institutions towards direct organization of the provision of services, to limiting its role in organization and responsibility for the standard of services provided by non-public entities. The administering administration is the area of administration that is subject to ever more intense privatization processes. The forms of the administration’s operation, means, as well as entities acting within the framework of this function, have also changed. Such a system improves provision of the services. The ability to adapt public administration to challenges and expectations of modern society in connection with organizing and providing public services, becomes truly important. The administration that is responsible for organizing and providing public services should be conciliatory – it should support the development of the individual, protect them and not limit itself to the administrative and controlling role only. The role of the administration must be modified and the civic sector is a complement to its activities.


administration of provision, public tasks, public administration, public service, administration functions

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Cited by

Miruć, A. (2019). Organizing and providing public services as a function of public administration. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (3), 139–152.


Alina Miruć 



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