Documentation of interrogation in Polish criminal proceeding
Dariusz Jagiełło
Wydział Prawa, SWPS Uniwersytet HumanistycznospołecznyAbstract
Interrogation is a process-criminal act, without which it could not proceed, and finally no criminal proceedings could be concluded. The further course of investigation depends on the facts determined in its course. These facts determine the adoption or confirmation of forensic versions verified at subsequent stages of the proceedings. Therefore, documenting this activity is very important, and – at the same time – hard evidence, so that its course is not effectively undermined by the parties to the proceedings. Knowledge of the techniques of logging, the choice of the moment of its commencement, the transfer of the presented emotions and behaviors of the participants to the most accurate content is a necessary knowledge.
interrogation, protocol, criminal proceedings, preparatory proceedings, start activitiesReferences
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