Interrelations between social insurance law and civil law in the light of case law – selected issues

Anna Cicherska

Radca prawny, pracownik Departamentu Legislacyjno-Prawnego Centrali Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych


This study presents interrelations between social insurance law and civil law. The author describes the nature of social insurance law regulations and their influence on possible invocations of the civil law provisions with regard to cases based on social insurance law. Then, the scope of application of civil law in proceedings before a disability pension authority is presented. The author describes in particular invocation of the civil law provisions in connection with the need to verify accuracy and diligence in execution of social insurance obligations by premium payers. Based on examples selected by the author, the issues of examination of validity of concluded contracts (civil law contracts or employment contracts) and individual contractual stipulations aimed at verification of the moment of inception of entitlement to social insurance or accuracy of verification of premium assessment basis are presented.


interrelations, social insurance law, civil law, social insurance office, verification, civil contracts

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Cited by

Cicherska, A. (2019). Interrelations between social insurance law and civil law in the light of case law – selected issues. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(3), 79–97.


Anna Cicherska 




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