Legal education in Lithuania
Katažyna Mikša
Faculty of Law, Institute of International and European Union Law, Mykolas Romeris UniversityAbstract
The paper analyzes the system of legal education in Lithuania. It provides a short historical overview and recent developments in this area. On the one hand, higher education institutions try to implement main goals of the Bologna Process and to provide two-cycle studies in the field of law. On the other hand, there are still very strong ties to the traditional one-stage model of legal studies. Thus, universities try to combine both these models and offer both two-stage and one-stage studies. In such a situation students are given an opportunity to choose the model they prefer. The paper gives an insight into the programs of studies offered by the universities in Lithuania. The last thing discussed in the article is the issue of securing quality of legal studies.
legal education, study programs, LithuaniaReferences
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Katažyna MikšaStatistics
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