The principle of effectiveness against the background of the principle of the right to a fair trial in the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights

Katarzyna Kułak-Krzysiak

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The European Court of Human Rights (Hereinafter referred to as ECtHR) has jurisdiction over 47 countries and it is considered to be one of the most effective mechanisms
for the protection of human rights in the world. In Recommendation Rec(2004)20 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of 15 December 2004 on judicial review of administrative acts – with reference to the right to an effective remedy provided for in Article 13 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) – the principle of effectiveness is primarily identified. The guarantees provided by the norms of national law and confirmed in the norms of international law allow citizens to appeal to international tribunals in pursuit of claims alleging violation of rights. Violation of the principle of effectiveness results in the infringement of one or more rights guaranteed by national and also international law. This paper aims to
determine what the effectiveness of proceedings is according to the norms of international law and how it is interpreted in relation to the principle of the right to a fair trial. This article aims to define what the effectiveness of proceedings is according to the norms of international law and how it is interpreted in relation to the principle of the right to a fair trial. The research goal of this article is to analyze the legal provisions regarding the effectiveness of court proceedings. The article will ask whether the judicial process can be effective? What is the efficiency of judicial proceedings? What features must the judicial proceedings meet to have the characteristics of efficiency? What activities are being undertaken by international authorities to increase the efficiency of the judicial process, and do
these activities have an impact on solving the problem? The issue of efficiency of judicial proceedings is very important. Hence the attempt to answer the questions above.
The article presents the genesis of the institution of efficiency and its evolution in recent years as well as attempts to compare it over the years.


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Cited by

Kułak-Krzysiak, K. (2024). The principle of effectiveness against the background of the principle of the right to a fair trial in the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 22(1), 55–69.


Katarzyna Kułak-Krzysiak 



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