The administrative justice in the Czech Republic – changes and expectations
Lukáš Potěšil
Masaryk UniversityAbstrakt
This article deals with the changes that were made and with possible expectations in the field of administrative justice which can be observed on the example of (not only) the Czech Republic. To this end, the contribution focuses, first, on the purpose of the administrative justice as such and on its history and development. Then it gives consideration to the current stat and form of the legal framework of the administrative justice in the Czech Republic. On this basis, the last part of the contribution deals with the changes which have been made in the administrative justice as well as with possible expectations that may be placed on the administrative justice, going hand in hand with its possible changes in the future.
Słowa kluczowe:
administrative justice, code of administrative justice, cassation complaint, supreme administrative courtBibliografia
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Lukáš PotěšilStatystyki
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