Wykładowcy prawa rzymskiego w Oksfordzie i w Cambridge w XVIII wieku
Łukasz Jan Korporowicz
Uniwersytet ŁódzkiAbstrakt
The article contains characteristics of the fourteen professors who gained their appointment to the Regius Chair of Civil Law in Oxford and Cambridge in the 18th century. Their academic careers as well as their many out-of-academia duties are described in the article. The analyses of the collected materials allowed the author to assert that the condition of teaching Roman law in the 18th-century England resembled the general crises of the university education in England in the aforementioned epoch. For most of the lecturers the academic posts were more or less sinecures that provided a social prestige and honourable social position. Only the late 18th century brought some changes in the methods of teaching Roman law and in the appointments of the professors. To a fuller extent these changes could not be observed to bring expected effects before the mid-19th century.
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