Individual style and the universality of style category
Dorota Brzozowska
The aim of this paper is to raise the questions of style and communication as universal notions and as culture specific phenomena. Different definitions of style are given and the perspectives of two main cultural views dealing with this subject are shown. The points of view of representative of Polish scholars is compared with the focus on linguistic perception of style in Mandarin Chinese. The presentation of the most important essentials of the Professor's Gajda individual style has been chosen as he has been studying various aspects of style for over forty years and he uses concepts typical for Slavic and European scholars. A predominance of analyses of actual texts is based on a comparison of his own text on academic style. It also contains selected most characteristic elements from his other texts and a comparison of his early comments on style and stylistics and the latest definitions thereof. The understanding of style as a concept connected with the Western philosophical, aesthetic and linguistic tradition is compared with the Eastern i.e. – Chinese views on this phenomenon to track differences and similarities showing the universal character of some concepts connected with human language and cognition.
style, communication, culture, Polish, Chinese, language, stylisticsReferences
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Dorota BrzozowskaStatistics
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