Aestheticism, Antiaestheticism, Anaestheticism - Reflexions of Modern Aesthetics Values Pluralism in Polish Prose Style of the End of 20th Century
Bożena Witosz
The author, justifying at the beginning necessity of regard the cultural context in modern literature style research, pays attention to the cathegory of pluralism, which is typical for modern culture. Scrutinizing the style of Polish prose of the nineties, the author concentrates on toa few —often opposing — tendencies: aestheticism, preference for ugliness, banalisation and vulgarization of the language and on the other hand its intellectualization. The author relates the phenomenons to similar ones in modern culture: reality aesthetisation, reference to tradition (nostalgia aesthetics), aesthetics of "new brutalism", anaesthetics, transgression beyond traditional value canon. It leads to — specific of modern literature — inhierarchized variety" of aesthetics and stylistics conventions.
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Bożena WitoszStatistics
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