Газетные те1есты 1еа1е отражение важнеиших язы1еовых процессов в современном обществе (1990-1994 гг.)
The article under revue examines the way newspaper texts reflect important developments taking place in the language within our modem society. The article discusses such major trends in the development of language in newspapers as the change of key words
(conceptual words) result ing from the democratization of ош society; the change in the use of Ьiassed language and the narrowing of its usage; the strengthening of information aspect that manifests itself in changing the gеше as well as the headlines; the extension
of the vocabulary of newspapers Ьу introducing spoken elements, popular speech, colloquial words and jargon; making the language used in newspapers more intimate - the trends to bring the language of newspaper articles to the language of readers.
Костомаров В. Г., 1994, Языковой вJСУс эпохи. Из наблюдений над речевой пршстикой масс-медия, Москва.
Солганик. Г. Я., 1981, Лет,:си,са газеты. Фуюсциональный аспет,:т, Москва.
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