L’ esortazione alla conversione (Sof 2,1-3)

Andrzej Demitrów

Wydział Teologiczny UO


Book of Zephaniah starts with dramatic vision of trial of ordeal towards the chosen people deviation, which will take place on the Sabbath (Zep 1,2-18). However final fragment of this first prophecy (Zep 2,1-3) contains strong appeal for change the demeanor which inevitably leads to destruction. The People of God ought to gather newly before the tragedy occurs. Those who reply for appeal prophet calls Lord’s indigents, as people able to keep Lord’s Law. The repentance accomplish through attitude of searching of Lord, which achieves by fulfil justice and humble life. Only by this attitude there is a hope for salvage on Judgment Day/

Parole chiave:

Dzień Pana, ubodzy, szukać Pana, sprawiedliwość, pokora

Botterweck G.J., Ringgren H., Fabry H.-J., Theologische Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament (Voll. I–VII), Stuttgart 1973–1994.
Joüon P., Grammaire de l’hébreu biblique, Rome 1996.
Lisowsky G., Konkordanz zum Hebräischen Alten Testament, Stuttgart 1958.
van Gemeren W.A., New Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, Michi­gan 1997.
Zorell F., Lexicon Hebraicum et Aramaicum Veteris Testamenti, Roma 1954.



Demitrów, A. (2019). L’ esortazione alla conversione (Sof 2,1-3). Scriptura Sacra, (19), 97–106. Recuperato da https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/scrs/article/view/764


Andrzej Demitrów 



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