Twórczość Hovarda P. Lovecrafta w perspektywie psychologii transpersonalnej Stanislava Grofa
Bogusław Olszewski
Article discusses the work of Hovard P. Lovecraft grasped from the point of view of Stanislav Grof ’s transpersonal psychology. The location of the literary works in this perspective lets us specify the inspiration lying in the perinatal memories and transpersonal realms of the psyche. Lovecraft, creating weird fiction literature, encapsulated in it an expression of subconscious experiences related to the perinatal experiences, constituting the source of his dark fascination and inspiration. Grof ’s theory sheds light on the specific elements of writing of a master of horror, allowing to recognize in it the reminiscences of fetal life. Phenomena accompanying the different stages of the birth process influenced the personality of the writer, giving a distinctive feature of his prose and poetry.
Stanislav Grof, Hovard P. Lovecraft, transpersonal psychology, inspiration, perinatal matricesReferences
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