On the path to a radical political art. on political films og the Bolivian collectice Ukamau

Kamil Minkner

Uniwersytet Opolski


The paper presents reflections on the movies of Bolivian film director Jorge Sanjinés in a broad socio-political and artistic context. The author also analyzes the theoretical manifesto of Sanjinés (1976), in which he laid out the basic assumptions of engaged political cinema in Latin America. The main thesis of the article is that Sanjinés’s films belong to the cinema of the radical political. It is a cinema that reveals fundamental social contradictions, and at the same time actively calls for a change of unfair conditions in the system. An important distinguishing feature of this type of creative activity is not that it consists in a story about a political change, but is supposed to be a practical instrument of a new, counter-hegemonic political order. The characteristics of this cinema include: ideological opposition to neocolonialism, imperialism and social backwardness; a radical form that breaks with the narrative codes of mainstream cinema; underground production; alternative forms of distribution bypassing official film circulation channels. At the end of his deliberations, the author considers the contemporary meaning of Sanjinés’s films.


political cinema, the political, social engaged cinema, Third Cinema, Jorge Sanjinés, New Latino Cinema

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Cited by

Minkner, K. (2021). On the path to a radical political art. on political films og the Bolivian collectice Ukamau. Studia Krytyczne/Critical Studies, (9), 11–33. https://doi.org/10.25167/sk.4485


Kamil Minkner 



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