Sylwia Dołzbłasz

Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Michał Suszczewicz

Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The main purpose of the article was to identify the importance of post-Soviet airports in the shaping of new economic spaces in the western regions of Poland. The study included an analysis of selected aspects of spatial development of seven airports used before 1989 by the Soviet Army. The analysis was based on data obtained from the Topographic Objects Database and data on economic activity collected during field studies. The study showed that the appropriate use of the areas of former airports may be conducive to the economic development of the municipalities in which they are located. However, an extremely impor-tant role is played by the factors associated with the location of post-military area, largely conditioning the achievement of success in their use for economic purposes.


post-military areas, special economic zones, spatial development, post-Soviet airports

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Cited by

Dołzbłasz, S., & Suszczewicz, M. (2020). THE ROLE OF POST-SOVIET AIRPORTS IN SHAPING NEW ECONOMIC SPACES IN WESTERN POLAND. Studia Miejskie, 33, 128–139.


Sylwia Dołzbłasz


Michał Suszczewicz 



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