Demarcation of the Service Area in the Vicinity of a Hospital on the Example of Cracow
Paweł Kretowicz
This paper presents the influence of hospitals (and specialist services offered at these institutions) upon the nearestservice areas, which is comprised of both hospital buildings and those in the immediate vicinity. Some businesses with no relation to medical services were observed in a few hospital buildings in the city of Cracow. Using the example of hospitals in Cracow, associations between physical distance, the number and structure of market services were examined. Demarcations of the service areas were made for both the hospitals within their various urban zones and for the whole city. Substantial differences between zones were discovered in regards to the total number of services, as there is a surplus located in the city center and very few services near hospitals located in the apartment building zones. The role of the hospital in crystallizing the service zonę in its vicinity decreases the closer to the city center the hospital is located.
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Paweł KretowiczStatistics
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