The paper presentstwo examples ofthe revitalisation process conducted on large old industrial sites, in Góteborg and Lisbon. These areas encompass about 300 ha. In Góteborg in the 19th century the shipyard era began. In that period several harbours were built on the north side ofthe river. In the mid 1970s after the oil crisis the shipyards had to close because ofshipbuilding competition from Asian countries. In
a long-term process Góteborg has managed to tum a former industrial zonę into an urban area with multiple functions: modern Industries, housing, education, offices, commercial, recreational and cultural activities. Park of Nations lies in the eastern part of Lisbon. Prior to redevelopment the site was in a very derelict State. Formerly, a refinery and fuel tanks, military barracks and sewer treatment plant occupied the site. In the first phase (1992-1998) all operations connectedwith the EXPO ’98 expositionwere implemented (the oceanarium,
pavilions and transport infrastructure). In second phase (after 1998) on the remaining part ofthe area the residential-office complexwas built and arose the urban centrewith a mix ofusessuch asresidential, commercial, cultural, sports and leisure activities. A long lasting process reąuires a elear vision ofrevitalisation, possibility of adopting to market needs and public/private partnership. New activitiesin such area mean new investments or relocation from the centre, but collapse of some activities in neighbouring areas can be observed too. It
influences on labour market what causes inerease of unemployment ratę among Iow educated people who do not have opportunityto find job. The place becomes very attractive to live, but flats are expensive. Only people high income can afford to live there. It causesto slow down the urban sprawi phenomenon. The large area after revitalisation can be new pole of attraction for region or metropolitan area with important facilities like trade fair, modern shopping areas and centres etc. The radical transformation oflarge area means change of
the functional, demographic and social aspects ofstructure ofthe city and the region.
derelict industrial area, revitalisation, transformation of functionsReferences
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Elżbieta LITWIŃSKAStatistics
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