Management of oases in the new valley in Egypt. The case of Farafra


Approximately 98% of Egypt’s population is concentrated around the Valley and delta of the Nile. To solve this problem. Egypt’s government in cooperation with the FAO, created in the 1950’s development plans for the New Valley region. They were aimed at encouraging emigration from the overpopulated areas of Egypt to the newly urbanized New Valley. The plans brought dynamic development to the oases of the region, also to the Farafra. From 1993 to 2003, the urbanized area almost doubled. Within 11 years, a vast housing estate, along with service and industrial facilities were built on the eastern side of the oasis. Specialised functional areas developed: services concentrated around the main road, state institutions mainly north of the government office, and the shops, cafeterias, and market sqares to the south. The service centre of the oasis shifted closer to the transit road, which became the axis of development. New investment projęcts are being executed east of the road, and services and industry develop south and north along the road. The square in front of the mosque lost its primary function and now it is crowded only on holydays. Further Farafra development has been planned in details by the state authorities.


Egypt, Farafra oasis, spatial development

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Cited by

Mularczyk, M. (2020). Management of oases in the new valley in Egypt. The case of Farafra. Studia Miejskie, 4, 171–180. Retrieved from


Mirosław Mularczyk



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