Socio-economic transformation of Polish border municipalities


The purpose of this study is to assess changes connected with the social and economic development of some particular municipalities with a border crossing within their area. The study is an attempt to indicate differences in the shape of development processes dependent on the type of the border (points of contact of ‘old’ and ‘new’ EU countries, other countries). The distinctness of legal situations on both sides of the border as well as economic differences related to those result in diversity of the dynamics of the development in the municipalities. Depending on their disposition, factors such as differences in the value of the GDP and the price levels can be either stimulants or barriers of the development of such units.


border, border areas, socio-economic development

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Cited by

Pytel, S., & Sitek, S. (2020). Socio-economic transformation of Polish border municipalities. Studia Miejskie, 8, 123–134. Retrieved from



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