Functional relations of a large city and agglomeration with regional environment in the context of the spatial accessibility (example of Szczecin)

Elżbieta Chądzyńska


The development of modern regions is conditioned in many ways. It is connected in large part (especially of post-socialist countries) with the process of globalization of the economy and metropolization of space. Generally it is assumed that there is a clear relationship between the level of economic development, and the quality of transport infrastructure and transport activities irrespective of the scale. As a result of processes related to metropolization it is form a new type of relationship between large, rapidly growing urban centers and the surrounding region of them. While the big cities can develop regardless of strong relationships with the immediate hinterland, the functioning of the region and the evolution of regional development without interaction with the central hub is impossible. Example of Szczecin is rather complex due to its location near the Polish-German border, and in the close vicinity of the well developed Nordic countries. This affects both positively and negatively on the development of the Szczecin and its position in the wider region. By Szczecin run the important transport routes leading through the region. The city itself is a hub of national and European level. The approach presented in article consists in identifying links between the road transport network and guidelines for the development of areas of varying transportation accessibility to Szczecin. In the analysis the employment in the basic sectors of the economy and the results of modeling of commuting was used.


functional development, city-region relationships, transportation accessibility

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Cited by

Chądzyńska, E. (2020). Functional relations of a large city and agglomeration with regional environment in the context of the spatial accessibility (example of Szczecin). Studia Miejskie, 14, 27–42.


Elżbieta Chądzyńska 



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