Investments from the scope of public transport network in Poznań in the context of the implementation assumptions of the city transport policy and perspective priorities of the Poznań spatial development

Bartosz Majewski


The article presents investments from the scope of public transport, which had been made in Poznan in the context of the implementation assumptions of the city transport policy (1999), along with presentation of actions taken to integrate public transport in the area of Poznan agglomeration and investments plans for the construction of new tram routes in Poznan


transport investments, implementation city transport policy, public transport development, spatial development

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Cited by

Majewski, B. (2020). Investments from the scope of public transport network in Poznań in the context of the implementation assumptions of the city transport policy and perspective priorities of the Poznań spatial development. Studia Miejskie, 14, 43–60.


Bartosz Majewski 



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